If you're having issues using your Ledger Nano X or S with Phantom here are some common ways you can resolve your issues:
- Turn on "Blind Sign" - Go to the Solana, or Ethereum App, then click right to settings, then turn on Blind Sign. Skip this step for Bitcoin.
- Make sure you are using Chrome, Edge or Brave, Ledger isn't currently supported on Firefox
- Ensure the Ledger Live app is closed on your computer.
- Check your cable is plugged in properly, it may need replacing if old. (Rarely this)
- Make sure you leave some native tokens on the Ledger.
- Send a simple transaction, from Ledger to your Phantom Address. If it does not work try below:
- Restart the computer and try again
- Remove the ledger wallet from the Phantom app. Ensure the Ledger wallet is selected, click on Settings> Manage accounts > Select the ledger wallet, then "Remove Account". Then re-add, as laid out in the beginning of the article.
- Try adding your Ledger in a brand new browser, eg Brave (if you are using Chrome). Install the extension from phantom.app only.
- Try following these steps provided by Ledger support.
- Contact an Agent, if problems still persist.
Please note: We currently don't support Trezor Hardware wallet.