What login methods are supported by Phantom Wallet?
- You can log in using a Google or Apple account.
How do I log in with Google or Apple on a new device?
- Download Phantom from phantom.com
- Open the app and select "I already have a wallet."
- Log in with your Google or Apple account and enter your 4-digit PIN.
What should I do if I lose my device or get a new one?
- Install Phantom on your new device.
- Select "I already have a wallet."
- Log in with your Google or Apple account and enter your PIN to restore your wallet.
- You can always recover the wallet using the email and correct pin.
Can someone access my wallet if they steal my phone?
- If someone steals your mobile device, as long as they can’t get into your Phantom app, your funds are safe. It’s no different from using Phantom with a seed phrases. As a reminder, ensure your phone is locked, has biometrics enabled etc. If someone gets access to your email, they are unable to access your wallet without your PIN.
What happens if someone gains access to my email?
- They cannot access your wallet without your 4-digit PIN. Remember to keep you pin backed up safely.
What happens if I forget my 4-digit PIN?
It's important to note that your PIN will not be emailed to you, it's your responsibility to remember it or save it somewhere safely.
If you forget your PIN and lose access to all devices with your wallet, you’ll lose access to your funds unless you have your Secret Recovery Phrase or private keys.
If you still have access to a logged-in device:
- Open Phantom.
- Go to Settings > Security & Privacy > Change PIN to set a new PIN.
- Make sure to also back up your secret recover phrase.
What happens if I enter my 4-digit PIN incorrectly?
- You have 7 attempts to enter the correct PIN. After 7 failed attempts, your wallet backup will be destroyed and inaccessible unless you have a device logged in or your Secret Recovery Phrase.
Can I change or reset my 4-digit PIN?
- Yes, you can change your PIN anytime on a device with your wallet by navigating to:
Settings > Security & Privacy > Reset PIN.
Can I change the email associated with my Google or Apple login?
- No, it’s currently not possible to change the email associated with your Google or Apple login in Phantom.
Can I export my wallet made with Google or Apple login?
- Yes, you can export your wallet using the Secret Recovery Phrase from the Settings. Since other wallets do not yet support this feature you will need the Secret Recovery Phrase to use another wallet.
Can I create multiple accounts with my Google or Apple login?
- Yes, you can create multiple accounts under the same Google or Apple login. Navigate to:
Settings > Manage Account > Add / Connect Wallet and use the same entropy source.
I setup a wallet with a pin and password, not a secret recovery phrase
- If you did not see a secret phrase when creating a wallet, it means that you have logged in using Google or Apple. In this case you created a 4 digit pin that you will need to use to recover the wallet.
- You can always go into the settings of the wallet to view and save your secret recovery phrase