Phantom supports many different languages and plans to add more in the future.
This is our current list of supported languages:
- English
- Spanish
- German
- French
- Italian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Chinese (Traditional)
- Bengali
- Japanese
- Korean
- Russian
- Hindi
- Indonesian
- Malay
- Thai
- Vietnamese
- Portuguese
- Turkish
- Filipino
- Burmese
- Amharic
- Arabic
- Gujarati
- Hausa
- Igbo
- Punjabi
- Swahili
- Tamil
- Telugu
- Yoruba
To change your language you will first need to reach the settings page.
You can do this in the extension by clicking on the Menu (top left) > Wallet Settings (Cogwheel at the bottom) > Preferences > select "Display Language" and choose the language you would like to use.
If you would like to see a different language added to Phantom, please give your suggestions here.